We have 100% PURE Bikram Yoga classes every day of the week for your health and convenience! Please (as always) check MINDBODY fitness app for all up to date classes and times!!
There are always new and exciting things happening at BYK! Through the structure of this amazing series of postures we continue to navigate the ever changing and evolving times! Our in room Zoom technology has allowed us to reach students and teachers from around the world 🌎 What does this mean for you? You are getting instruction from some AMAZING and experienced teachers via Zoom as well as connecting with our hot room live each day! We know you miss us, and we miss YOU when you return home after visiting us here at BYK. There is never any reason to practice alone anymore! Also, did you know that Gretchen has been published in a Best Selling book? It is a wonderful collaboration of authors and Bikram Yoga teachers who share their stories and inspire anyone to come start (or begin again!) their practice today. Its NEVER TOO LATE! https://www.innerpointe.com/within-book58986158?fbclid=IwAR0vRiwNmIGKAQ7BAUc5yqNKcyWH0neanbmaH68vNVxmqJErGhuJ_QPbk_Y&fpr=gretchenolsen
Below is the link to join ALL zoom classes so you can join a LIVE teacher for a LIVE class! Either in the BYK hot room or from your personal home space! Please sign up through the MINDBODY APP on your smart phone. Current IN STUDIO classes are as follows... M/W/F 6:30a. and 5:30p T/TH 9a and 5:30pm Sa 7a live zoom with Eune and 9a with Gretchen Sunday 7a and 9a with Marvin Please email Gretchen if you have questions. [email protected]
From your very first class you will build new flexibility, new strength, and reduce your stress!!!
How did Bikram Yoga become to be "Bikram Yoga"? What is the difference between "Hot Yoga and Bikram Yoga"? We have a very strong lineage dating back to Babaji Mahasaya. Babaji had 2 disciples named Lahiri Mahasaya and Sri Yukteswar. Sri Yukteswar is the guru of Paramahansa Yogananda, and passed on teachings of Kriya Yoga to Yogananda. Bishnu Gosh is the brother of Paramahansa Yogananda and one of his first students at his Ranchi School. Bishnu Gosh went on to become many things, as well as a doctor. He prescribed postures to many sick people and had his disciple, Bikram Choudury, teach the postures to the people. Bikram Choudhury also studied at Ram Krishna Mission in Deoghar. Ram Krishna is the guru of Swami Vivekenanda. With his studies of Hatha Yoga, Bikram wanted to help many people at once, rather than the 15 one on one he would see in a day. This led him to develop our sequence of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises we do today, known as Bikram Yoga. At first, Bishnu opposed the idea of group classes, however, he began to see the beneficial effects on all who came to Bikram's classes and gave him his blessing. In 1970, just before Bishnu Ghosh withdrew his spirit from his body, he asked Bikram to complete his job, and had him promise to bring yoga to the West and America.
Hot Yoga became popular after Bikram Yoga began. We have come to know Hot yoga as many things. Hot Yoga can be a variety of postures, levels, sequences done in a heated room. Sometimes heat can range from 95 - 110. Hot Yoga can be different each time. Bikram Yoga is always the same postures, done in a specific sequence in a heated room. Designed this way to warm up the body as you go along, and addressing each and every system, muscle, organ, tendon, and gland. Every class, every time. The repetition allows you to become more meditative and understand yourself with consistent practice. Bikram Yoga is what we have been passionate about for the past 20 years and it is what we continue to provide at our yoga space. We look forward to seeing you there!!!
Located in Kapaa Town on the East Side of Kauai Find us in the Choy Village Shopping Center just off of the Kuhio Hwy, behind Lemongrass Restaurant And Taps and Hop's Bar. We have ample parking, showers / changing rooms, mat and towels for rent.
All Levels are welcome and all levels will benefit!!! Whether it's your first time or you have been practicing for many years!
All Classes are 90 minutes A beginning series of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises created by Bikram Choudury. All teachers train directly with Bikram during a 9-week intensive, to bring the series to you in it's original form.